Numerical modelling of glued laminated wood beams


  • Yashida Nadir
  • Praveen Nagarajan
  • Mohammed Ameen


Engineered wood; glulam; reinforced glulam; VCCT ; energy release rate.


Wood composite product or engineered wood product (EWP) is an important construction material which utilizes wood effectively and has structural applications. The process of manufacturing engineered wood products is an effective technique for reducing or eliminating the shortcomings of solid wood materials and for obtaining high performance materials. Studies on use of EWP for structural applications are uncommon in India. This study aims to assess numerically the load deflection behaviour of laminated and reinforced laminated wood beams, one among the EWPs, and compares the results with experimental findings. Good comparison was obtained between the numerical and experimental results for the flexural behaviour of laminated beams. Crack simulation in laminated wood beams was also carried out and the effect of different sizes and locations of cracks on the load carrying capacities of beams were investigated. Crack simulation and failure of the structure was given emphasis. For the cracked beam analysis, the ultimate load was found to decrease with increase in crack length for both edge cracked and inner cracked beams. Edge cracked beam has lesser load carrying capacity than inner cracked beam. Predominant value of energy release rate was found for mode II failure.



How to Cite

Nadir, Y., Nagarajan, P., & Ameen, M. (2024). Numerical modelling of glued laminated wood beams. Journal of Structural Engineering, 44(5), 501–508. Retrieved from


