3-D soil foundation structure interaction analysis for asyemmetrical buildings


  • Pallavi Badry
  • Neelima Satyam


Direct method of analysis; numerical simulation of DSSI; asymmetrical buildings; soil pile structure interaction.


The analysis and understanding of the integrated behavior of soil foundation and superstructure under the seismic excitation is very challenging and complicated. The various governing parameters including soil damping, soil nonlinearity, creation of a gap and penetration during vibration and soil stratifications makes the analysis more tedious. In this paper the seismic soil structure interaction analysis has been carried out for 11 storey RCC structure supported on a pile foundation with a homogenous soil condition.The analysis has been carried out by developing the program in C++ using finite element method which captures the soil nonlinear behavior and node to node interfaces between soil and pile. The building is investigated by simulating the building model using two different conditions: namely soil-structure interaction, and fixed-base behavior. The effect of asymmetry of the building has been investigated for L, C and T shapes and the effect is compared with the symmetrical building with the same stiffness and a foundation system under the same earthquake. The study reveals that the effect of interaction plays the vital role in the superstructure response. Also, it is noted that the asymmetrical building shows different behavior than the symmetrical building for the same building stiffness.



How to Cite

Badry, P., & Satyam, N. (2024). 3-D soil foundation structure interaction analysis for asyemmetrical buildings. Journal of Structural Engineering, 44(5), 466–474. Retrieved from http://jose.serc.res.in/index.php/JOSE/article/view/613


