Behaviour of RC interior beam column joints with diagonal bars under reverse cyclic loading


  • K.R. Bindhu
  • V. Vysakh
  • R.K. Vandana


Interior beam column joints; reverse cyclic loading; ductile detailing; seismic resistance; hysteresis plots; stiffness degradation; failure modes; shear failure.


In the design of reinforced concrete moment resisting frames, the beam column joint sub-assemblage is of great importance in Earthquake prone areas. The joints are designed based on ‘strong column weak beam’ behaviour so as to result in a ductile failure in the event of an earthquake. In this study, performance of interior beam column joints with cross inclined bars is assessed and compared with that of joints designed and detailed as per IS 13920:1993. Three 1/3ʳᵈ scaled joint specimens consisting of diagonal bars placed along column, diagonal bars placed along beam and conventional detailing were constructed and tested under reverse cyclic loading. The results of experiments indicate that non-conventional joint detailing involving use of diagonal bars is a better alternative for interior joint specimens with conventional reinforcement detailing. The specimen with diagonal bars along column exhibited better performance in terms of ultimate strength and energy dissipation capacity. Conventionally detailed specimens are good in providing sufficient displacement ductility.



How to Cite

Bindhu, K., Vysakh, V., & Vandana, R. (2024). Behaviour of RC interior beam column joints with diagonal bars under reverse cyclic loading. Journal of Structural Engineering, 44(5), 459–465. Retrieved from


