Analysis and design of foundation systems to control the vibrations due to forging impact hammer


  • K. Rama Raju
  • B. Annesh


Forging impact hammer; spring-damper casings; elastomers with both stiffness and damping; vibration absorption and isolation methods; modelling of impact loads.


Forging impact hammer machines cause high impact loads on the foundation, resulting in propagation of vibrations to nearby buildings. A forging hammer foundation system is required to be designed to ensure long term efficient operation of the hammer with minimum disturbance to precision machines in the vicinity and adjoining structures. At present, elastomer below the anvil and spring casings below the foundation are used for vibration absorption. As per the present environmental specifications, the vibrations need to be reduced by providing elastomers with damping or spring damper casings below the anvil and foundation. Analytical and finite element methods to consider all these cases are developed to reduce the vibration levels as per present environmental standards.



How to Cite

Raju, K. R., & Annesh, B. (2024). Analysis and design of foundation systems to control the vibrations due to forging impact hammer. Journal of Structural Engineering, 44(5), 404–413. Retrieved from


