Evaluation of specific fracture energy and the corresponding tension softening relation for the concrete made up of secondary aluminum slag


  • M. Satish Reddy
  • D. Neeraja


Specific fracture energy; secondary aluminum slag; concrete; fictitious crack model; tensile stress; crack width.


For the analysis and design of cracked concrete structures/components, the two important properties, namely, fracture energy and the corresponding tensile stress vs crack width are essentially required. To evaluate size independent fracture energy, two popular methods are available in the literature. They are (i) RILEM work of fracture method with tail correction for the load - deflection plot and (ii) back boundary effect method. The present study is aimed at on the evaluation of size independent fracture energy by using back boundary effect and the corresponding bi-linear stress vs crack width relation. Experiments have been conducted on notched concrete specimens made up of secondary aluminum slag with notch to depth ratio as 0.1 and 0.6. The percentage replacement of cement by secondary aluminum slag is 5, 10 and 15%. Bi-linear tension softening relation between stress and crack width has been derived for four concrete mixes based on inverse analysis by using load - crack mouth opening displacement.



How to Cite

Reddy, M. S., & Neeraja, D. (2024). Evaluation of specific fracture energy and the corresponding tension softening relation for the concrete made up of secondary aluminum slag. Journal of Structural Engineering, 44(5), 395–403. Retrieved from http://jose.serc.res.in/index.php/JOSE/article/view/606


