A parametric study on defect sizing in plates using lamb wave reflection coefficients


  • A. Gautham
  • Abhijit Ganguli


Lamb waves; reflection coefficients; defect depth characterization; Ultrasonic testing; thin plates.


In this paper, a parametric study is reported to examine whether a combination of reflection coefficients corresponding to ultrasonic mode converted S0 and A0 Lamb waves lead to a better estimation of the depth of defects in metal plates. The A0 reflection coefficient, when plotted as a function of the ratio between the crack depth and the plate thickness shows a dip, which results in an ambiguity related to the dimensioning of the crack depth. Our study shows that on the other hand the S0 reflection coefficient curve follows a more distinct trend with increasing crack depth and plate thickness ratio. Therefore, this information along with the A0 reflection coefficient information facilitates more accurate defect sizing.



How to Cite

Gautham, A., & Ganguli, A. (2024). A parametric study on defect sizing in plates using lamb wave reflection coefficients. Journal of Structural Engineering, 45(1), 61–66. Retrieved from http://jose.serc.res.in/index.php/JOSE/article/view/543