Dynamic analysis of functionally graded curved sandwich panels


  • Tarun
  • Rajendra Bahadur
  • A.K. Upadhyay
  • K.K. Shukla


Analytical solution; sandwich panel; HSDT; functionally graded material; Chebyshev polynomial; dynamic analysis.


Dynamic response of functionally graded singly and doubly curved sandwich panels on the rectangular plan-form, subjected to uniformly distributed transverse loading is presented in this work. Higher order shear deformation theory (HSDT) with a cubic variation of in-plane displacement and constant transverse displacement is used for mathematical formulation. Equations of motion are derived using dynamic version of the principle of virtual work and subjected to small deformation. Fast converging finite double Chebyshev series is used for the spatial discretization and Houbolt time marching scheme is used for the temporal discretization. Three types of sandwich panels are analyzed: FGM face-sheets and homogenous ceramic core, FGM core and homogeneous ceramic face-sheets and face-sheets and core both FGM. The results are obtained for cylindrical, hyperboloid, spherical sandwich panels subjected to uniform step, triangular, sine, half sine and exponential loading.



How to Cite

Tarun, Bahadur, R., Upadhyay, A., & Shukla, K. (2024). Dynamic analysis of functionally graded curved sandwich panels. Journal of Structural Engineering, 45(1), 52–60. Retrieved from http://jose.serc.res.in/index.php/JOSE/article/view/542